How Create ODT file and custom install office 2016:
- To Create ODT first you need to install ODT file from this site:
- Then Save this file to C drive
- There is file which name was configuration.XML
- open this file with notepad
- We just change the configuration
- in first line you can change the office bit version for example 32 or 64 bit.
- In second line you can the product ID which means license for example Office 365 pro plus or Office 365 business,
- Delete the line from below <product> to upper <Product>
- Delete the two lines Update enabled and property name
- This is a example of your Configuration:
- After configuration file was ready run the Command line with Administrator.
- type cd your path where you store the ODT file example C:\your file name or any other location.
- second command is setup.exe /download configuration.XML.
After that we need to create .bat file:
- Go to the same location where you store your ODT configuration file.
- Create new Text file and write this information:
C:\ODT\Setup.exe /Configure C:\ODT\Configuration-Office365-x64.xml
(Drive:\File\Setup.exe /Configure Drive:\File\Configuration file name.XML)